(photo credits to Barrie Taylor Photography)
...and all of life's other demands. Still, I was thinking about it yesterday and I realized I haven't been doing anything "creative" lately. Nothing that fufills my need to make SOMETHING. So, as the list of things to get done grows, I find myself logging back into blogger to put a little part of me out there. What have I been up to? Let's see if I can give you the quicky run down... (in no particular order)
I spent a short stint of time trying to help with getting our church website updated. Which, for me, included getting the blog for our youth ministry going. But....I have to confess I've been almost as bad about updating that- as I've been updating this! (judge me. haha)
I started selling thirty-one bags. I LOVE the bags- but I don't really sell them...I basically just use my bags and when people ask me about them I tell them how they can order from me. (I would never get a cadillac, if I were selling Mary Kay!)
We took our students to camp and had a BLAST!
We (FINALLY) finished our floors at the house.
We went for a visit to Florida (on Father's Day)
And....I'm sure....a bunch of other stuff! Actually, those were just things we've done since summer started! ...My mind is suddenly blank because since I logged on I've had 3 phone calls, 5 different people text, 2 google chat conversations, and added several items to my list of to-do's! So, for the sake of feeling like I accomplished one thing I wanted to get done while Ezra is still asleep, I will wrap up this post- by saying....life is crazy and I'm pretty sure it won't be slowing down. So, I'll just make a commitment to try and start posting more regularly again and carve out the time to "just do it"!
And if YOU aren't doing anything to feed the hungers God PUT IN YOU- then I encourage YOU to start doing more of what you love too!
So, dear reader, count your blessings and have a MaRVeLoUs MonDaY!!!