Monday, June 21, 2010


...I know I've been terrible! Lately, I have felt alot like Dorothy in the beginning of the wizard of Oz.....ya know the part where the twister comes flying through

Since my last post I have:

*Stepped down from my job (though it was a great job)
*Neglected my blog
*Stayed with our inlaws for an extended period while we fix apartment issues
*Started our summer intern program (which I am co-leading with my husband and the youth pastor)
*Started (slowly but surely) working out again
*Vowed to get our home spotless and transform into a domestic diva (as a part of the deal that Bobby and I made for me to have the summer off: He works the job and I clean the house and make the meals) 

Alot going on around here. I've also gained an awesome assistant for the summer. (KATIE) We're loving our new summer interns

On their first day- the very first thing we did was tie all 30 of them together by their ankles and send them walking 9 yards in the summer heat- to the graveyard up the street to do their first lesson! (oh, initiation)
and they all kept good attitudes the whole time :)

So, far I've been terrible about bringing my camera everyday-so these are all iphone pics...gotta get better at that.

This week, I've got to finish all the arrangements for the speakers at our summer youth conference and be out of town with the interns from Thursday to Saturday. Then we have setup week for conference and then the actual conference! At which time- I'll get to host my sister and lovely niece! 
THEN the next week we are having a 7 chicks reunion! (all 6 sisters, our mom and all the husbands and babies!) I can't wait! (talk about a busy couple weeks!)

Well, I just got a call from the hubs, so it's time for me to go meet him. I get back into the blogging-swing of things :)

I hope you've had a MaRvElOuS MoNdAy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! You are gonna be busy!
    Yay for a summer with no working and being a domestic diva! :) I envy you!
