The other day I was online and (for the safety of others I will keep it vague)- someone made the comment that (basically) said people who bring babies into the world should be around 40 and have basically dominated the business world, and are now retiring with atleast a million dollars in the bank- and anybody who has a baby before that is irresponsible.
Crazy. I know. (and really ignorant - in my opinion)
Now, I'm sure anyone would say that it's my new "momma bear" status that had me feeling particularly flustered by such a ridiculous comment. (especially from someone who is single and from a small family- and has no concept about anything like marriage, family or babies...can you tell I'm still a little annoyed?) :0P
BUT- I was somewhat disturbed by my sudden anger when I read the comment. Suddenly, I was imagining myself smacking this person....telling them off...or giving them a speech about how ignorant their statement was. I was angry. It was ugly. And I thought to myself "where is all of this coming from?"
Now, I know many would come to my defense and say "Absolutely!" "that's ridiculous!" or "you SHOULD tell them off!" (after all, it is a crazy thing to say, right?) Still, I don't think that's really true. I didn't like the rage I felt.
....Could it be? "Is there some ugliness hiding out somewhere inside me?"
After all, Jesus did teach us to "turn the other cheek". "blessed are the peacemakers"....
In Galatians we learn that the fruit if the spirit (in other words, what our life produces when we do it right) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
None of those seem to say "teach him a thing or two!" "yeah- you have every right to get angry" fact they say "where is that coming from?" and invite me to take a self inventory. Is my life truly reflecting what the Bible says it should? (a question we should ask ourselves daily) An invite to be real and to surrender myself, my will, my the one who knows best. And letting Him teach me (as He lovingly does) how to be all that I'm created to be. (junk free) :)
So, let me encourage you as I have been encouraged: Live a life that produces good fruit today....and if you need help getting rid of something. Just ask Him.
Hope you're all having a HAPPY SATURDAY!!!!!!!
Very true. I think we've been so indoctrinated to "stand up for ourselves" and that we have rights as Americans that it runs against what Jesus told us to do as His disciples. Our attitudes shouldn't be the same as those around us. Thanks for the great reminder!