Wednesday, November 17, 2010

unbelievable're not going to believe this...

1. I've gone without internet in our house this entire time. (hence my mysterious disappearance)

2. I'm sitting in starbucks again and the SAME lady just came in (dressed...a little more age appropriate) and sat down next me with a new giant book. (are we dating?) no tears this time. (must be a better book)
(should I talk to her?...again I feel like I don't know the etiquette here.) :0P

3. I have some news (an update to a previous POST)

yep- it's true. There's a little baby bobcat on it's way!

Bobby and I were getting ready for a weekend in TN and took a trip to walmart around midnight- I decided it was time for a test- after a few week of weird symptoms. (like "food poisoning?", 4 hour naps, etc.)

I thought my eyes were going to come out of my head! Not that I was worried- more excited- I just wasn't expecting it to actually say positive! ;)

Anyway, so there is much transition going on in the Sasser house right now. I think it's the theme of the year for us?

Oh and

4. The last of the Montanez girls is engaged! :)


5. One of my sisters entered us in a Regis and Kelly best friends contest...

and apparently we are finalists! So, we're trying not to get our hopes up but if we win they fly us to vegas for some awesome spa stuff. (woohoo!!!!!!)

So that's pretty much it for today...can you believe thanksgiving is next week?! Time is flying! Hope you're spending time doing what you love and with people you love! See ya soon! 


  1. once again- so excited for you!
    glad you're back to blogging!

  2. Congrats! Yeah, I'm with on the first trimester being hard... well, none of it is easy (in my opinion and experience) BUT it's totally and completely worth it all.

    Hooray for babies!
