"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace." Eccl. 3:1-8
Sometimes life can feel like a merry go round. It doesn't really take much effort to get caught in a rut or sink into a spot (even if it's one we don't want to be in ) and stay there...whether we are comfortable there or not. BUT when we read that verse in Ecclesiastes it's very clear that God works our lives in seasons, not perpetual....ANYTHING. (though, I've learned that we tend to go through the same tests or seasons when we just don't seem to be learning what God is trying to show us. yikes!) ;)
I know that not all of my readers are women and that this applies to both sexes but can I just say that as a woman- it can be SO easy to get into a new season...a DIFFERENT season and suddenly become caught up. I know that for me I've been in a major rut: Bobby and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary by moving to a whole new state- where we know hardly anyone, starting new jobs, making less money, taking a new ministry position, leaving all of our friends, going through some MAJOR body changes because- oh yeah- we're pregnant and getting ready for a totally new guy to turn our world upside down. It's ALOT!
...especially when I list it all out like that
BUT Hebrews 12 says "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, ...Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
It's telling us to LET GO of the things that are hindering us and what so EASILY entangles us. (takes us captive) See, I could...and, honestly, WAS letting myself get caught up in the whirlwind of all of these new things and tasks and instead of looking at it as an adventure or a new season it was starting to look like....a mess! So, I found myself at a crossroads. I can either get all wrapped up in all of it and be stuck in a merry go round OR I can step back to take a look at things and begin to DE-CLUTTER.
What are you giving your attention/time to? It's easy to put your time with the Lord on the back burner, (NEVER a good idea) to put your YOU time on the back burner, to put your spouse or kids or family etc. on the back burner, your home on the back burner, or a whole pile of etc's on the back burner because you've got so much on your plate!
IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE TIME TO PRIORITIZE AND DE-CLUTTER YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT! I know I'm getting preachy but you can stop reading if it's not for you ;)
We need to realize that the truth of WHATEVER merry go round you might be on- is that God gives us the GRACE for EVERY season!
Instead of being frustrated that I'm pregnant and therefore always sick or exhausted (so it would seem) I can get excited about this amazing gift that's on his way! I can REJOICE when I think about the new season coming! It may be a totally different ball game- being a mom and committing more time to family and home when I may be more inclined to spend all of my time at the church working on a project or with a student or any of the things that I have always found so fulfilling BUT God reminds me that there is NO season in my life where He can't use me for His glory. In fact, it’s when we realize the beauty and power of being comfortable in the season that we are in, that we become the most effective in our walk with Him. I may be in a seemingly crazy season of life. I may not have any clothes that fit me in my 6 month pregnant body, I may be exhausted, and having to work really hard at trying to be quiet and listen for direction from the Lord on how to make these transitions.... but what if it is in THIS season that God has His biggest plans set out for me!
Don't forget that He uses it ALL for His glory. ...Just a friendly reminder from your crazy blogger friend. I hope that whatever season you are in: you'll learn to listen for His voice and that you too will see it's ALL part of a beautiful Master plan....
What are you giving your attention/time to? It's easy to put your time with the Lord on the back burner, (NEVER a good idea) to put your YOU time on the back burner, to put your spouse or kids or family etc. on the back burner, your home on the back burner, or a whole pile of etc's on the back burner because you've got so much on your plate!
IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE TIME TO PRIORITIZE AND DE-CLUTTER YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT! I know I'm getting preachy but you can stop reading if it's not for you ;)
We need to realize that the truth of WHATEVER merry go round you might be on- is that God gives us the GRACE for EVERY season!
Instead of being frustrated that I'm pregnant and therefore always sick or exhausted (so it would seem) I can get excited about this amazing gift that's on his way! I can REJOICE when I think about the new season coming! It may be a totally different ball game- being a mom and committing more time to family and home when I may be more inclined to spend all of my time at the church working on a project or with a student or any of the things that I have always found so fulfilling BUT God reminds me that there is NO season in my life where He can't use me for His glory. In fact, it’s when we realize the beauty and power of being comfortable in the season that we are in, that we become the most effective in our walk with Him. I may be in a seemingly crazy season of life. I may not have any clothes that fit me in my 6 month pregnant body, I may be exhausted, and having to work really hard at trying to be quiet and listen for direction from the Lord on how to make these transitions.... but what if it is in THIS season that God has His biggest plans set out for me!
Don't forget that He uses it ALL for His glory. ...Just a friendly reminder from your crazy blogger friend. I hope that whatever season you are in: you'll learn to listen for His voice and that you too will see it's ALL part of a beautiful Master plan....
Hope you're having a TeRrIfIc TuEsDaY!!!!
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