This morning I had a bowl of cheerios for breakfast, accompanied by some REALLY good (organic) strawberries I bought at the store yesterday. Bobby and I are not completely organic people. (I'm a work in progress, people!) :) We DO, however, make it a point to always use organic milk, chicken, and eggs. (all things that are otherwise pumped full of ALOT of stuff that you really shouldn't ingest) Lately, I've been trying to learn what fruits would be worth spending a little bit extra on because not all organic fruit are created equal. Anyway, I'm getting off track....where was I? I bought organic strawberries. ha! I LOVE strawberries- on or with pretty much anything. So, I'm all about the giant strawberries that you can find at the store- because bigger is better, right? But what on earth are they putting in those strawberries (that we're eating) that make them so
GINORMOUS? When bobby saw the organic strawberries in the fridge his response was "Why do those strawberries look funny?" You know why they looked funny to him? Organic strawberries are about half the size of those monster strawberries (or LESS!). American produce: bigger, better, faster. hhhmmm.....that's really starting to gross me out lately. Look at just about any organic piece of produce vs. the other stuff....the other stuff is usually significantly bigger....now ask yourself this (as I think about the obesity and disease problem we have in the states) Do we really believe that old saying: "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"?.....
So, anyway, my breakfast was yummy and not nearly as scary as it could be. ;) I don't know how that turned into such a rant! Onto more randomness....
I miss my little nieces and nephews! You met them in an earlier
POST but here are a few recent pics of some of the growing kiddies
Little Sarai who now walks...and, apparently, plays Wii!
Torren...who has gone through puberty ;)
...& The twins, who turned 3 and partied it up Toy Story style!
Life is flying! I have a million pics of my lil ones I'd love to post- but I think I'd better hop off here and start living my day out (outside the screen). You go and do the same! :)
Have a WoNdErFuL WeDnEsDaY!!!
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