Friday, May 20, 2011

Ezra Mania

So, everyone keeps asking me why I haven't been posting and I have to reason or another?
As some of you know, Ezra's due date was originally May 24th and at our (supposedly) 17 week ultrasound they moved it back to July 3rd! (six weeks is a LONG time to wait when you're the size of a house!) As we moved along my belly measurements were closer to the origional due one know what to think! We finally had another ultrasound last week and he is measuring BETWEEN the 2 dates. (Am I on a hidden camera show?) BUT, in addition to all that info, on Mother's Day I had to go to Labor and delivery for some monitoring etc. because..."stuff' was happening. (I'll spare you the details) I got to go home but basically Ezra is already in position and my body is in the pre-labor stages. SO, when we had the ultrasound- instead of getting a better idea of when the little man will make his debut, my Dr. said "well, let's try and keep him in there until the end of the month and the we'll just let it play out!" um....what? So, we have no due date....just a list of restrictions.  ...It's pretty crazy...
So, needless to say I'm getting majorly antsy. Yes, God is in control- but LORD, can we get this show on the road?

I say that- but really his nursery won't be setup until next week when my mother-in-law gets here with his crib and dresser- so it's probably for the best but twiddling my thumbs, in the mean time, is not very entertaining ;)

Anyway, enough ranting....
Let's do a product of the day! (drum roll please)


Ok, let me start by saying that I have a hard time paying full price for most things. AND I've never had to use foundation or concealer but since being pregnant and NEVER sleeping through the night- I've definitely had my fair share of puffy and/or dark undereyes. So, remembering seeing one of the makeup girls at Sephora use this on a friend and it having MAGIC results- I thought I'd give it a shot. Let me tell you (you can probably find it cheaper by searching th internet but I didn't bother) this little tub cost me $26 at Sephora BUT you use the TINIEST scrape of it to fully cover both eyes- so it lasts forever! AND it works WONDERS! So, does it seem a little pricey? Yes- but don't be fooled- this is one product I would now gladly shell out the cash for! The very first day I used it to cover my sleepy eyes I had several people tell me how nice I looked...and nothing had changed but the bags under my eyes. (amazing what looking AWAKE can do!) SO, that's my reccomendation for today. I love that stuff :)

Anyway, gotta run- but I hope you all have a WoNdErFuL WeEkEnD!!!!

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