ANYWAY, a little summary to get you caught up: (please pardon the graininess of these pictures- this post is via my iphone camera)
As I'm typing this water is leaking into our living room....and bedroom...and bathroom. Yes, I'm serious. On Friday I stepped into the master bathroom and felt water when I stepped onto the mat in front of the toilet....
...I realize thats quite a bit of water but we've had SO many (maintenance) problems at our place that I just dried it up with a towel and said a silent prayer that it would be nothing. Maybe I could dismiss it as Bobby having some kind of accident after having drank entirely too much water? (Ya never know. I've been amazed at the things I've learned about men since being married.) Then, before bed last night Bobby noticed that a pair of his pants (which he left on the floor in the bedroom) were wet....hmmmm.... We both ask each other if one of us spilled something. (and each assume the other person must've spilled something and just didn't realize it?) So, jump forward to this morning: Bobby gets out of bed...and steps into a puddle of water. WHAT? yes. It's taking over.....Apparently there is water seeping in from the walls? It's taken over and is still seeping out from our master bathroom and master closet- into our bedroom- soaking eveything in it's path and my latest discovery is that on the opposite side of the wall: it is now seeping into the living room....
Dear Lord, please save us from this mess!
Dear Exit Realty, we don't like you... AT ALL!
Anyway, enough about the water. What else, you ask?
1. Babies
One (or apparently several) of our student interns came up with a theory
this week....
After I was sick last Thursday and Bobby had to go in and run the intern hours for me: I also became sick around 2:30 in the morning Monday. (AKA cramps) I text all of the students letting them know that we would have to cancel on Monday and that I would talk to them about it later. (in my mind I meant:
give them an explanation/apology)
I came in on Wednesday morning and there was an unexpected sense of excitement as things played out like this:
((interns sitting lined up against the wall. I'm standing in front of them to summarize what we're doing that day)
Abi: So, are you going to give your announcement?!
ME: ((awkward pause)) Well...? It's not really an announcement...more like an explanation for why we couldn't meet on Monday..."
Abi: ((big excited smile))"Because you were sick....are you pregnant?!"
ME: ((wide eyes)) "WHAT?! NO!"
Abi: "what?....we thought because you keep getting sick that must mean you were... pregnant?"
Rest of the Interns: "yeah!"
ME: "NO. No, I'm not pregnant. If you must know- I had cramps. I wasn't going to give an announcement- I was just going to explain that I didn't cancel for no good reason."
Group: "oh."
(I thought this theory was pretty funny and chatter of pregnancy continued for the rest of the week)

In OTHER news: one of my very best friends (Tonya) DID give birth to this tiny gentleman:
I finally got to hold him last week- since I was out of town for his birth. Which Brings me to my next bit...
2. Family Reunion
I should have plenty of pictures to accompany this part- but I don't have them yet- so keep your eyes our and I'll post them soon. BUT I got to spend a week in St. Augustine for our 1st annual "7 Chick Reunion"! I have 5 sisters and grew up with a single mom. (who, by the way is INCREDIBLE!) So, somewhere along the course of time we were deemed the nickname : The 7 Chicks.
The reunion was way more than 7 chicks- since all but one of us are married now and I have 9 nieces and nephews on my side of the family- with one on the way! So, there was alot of baby handling going on!
Allow me to introduce the 9 in no specific order....
They're each their own person and I love that!
Now to wrap things up...
3. Randomness
Bobby and I have been a whole foods kick...for the most part and this week I made my own home-made salsa.... Just by throwing in stuff I thought sounded good! (and it was!)
Also, we had this
(which is a whole other post)
and lastly, for the most random of all: I had some of the student interns over one day for swimming and a movie and one of them decided to take a nap during the movie...guess where we found her....I'll give you some hints....
Yes. The bathtub. I can't figure out if she's really sleeping or not- but yes her thumb is in her mouth and she was in there for a LONG time.
....gotta love interns. :)
Well, that wraps it up for now. Bobby is sitting next to me- watching intently...and waiting- so that he can grab the computer. So, for now:
HaPpY SuNdAy!!!
(have a great week!)
so goof to see a post! that is a nightmare about the water! have they figured out where it's coming from and sent ServPro to dry it out!!!! Moldy carpet=sick!
ReplyDeleteAlso funny about the preggo rumor! :)