Wednesday, March 23, 2011

scary breakfast

 This morning I had a bowl of cheerios for breakfast, accompanied by some REALLY good (organic) strawberries I bought at the store yesterday.  Bobby and I are not completely organic people. (I'm a work in progress, people!) :) We DO, however, make it a point to always use organic milk, chicken, and eggs. (all things that are otherwise pumped full of ALOT of stuff that you really shouldn't ingest) Lately, I've been trying to learn what fruits would be worth spending a little bit extra on because not all organic fruit are created equal. Anyway, I'm getting off track....where was I? I bought organic strawberries. ha! I LOVE strawberries- on or with pretty much anything. So, I'm all about the giant strawberries that you can find at the store- because bigger is better, right? But what on earth are they putting in those strawberries (that we're eating) that make them so GINORMOUS? When bobby saw the organic strawberries in the fridge his response was "Why do those strawberries look funny?" You know why they looked funny to him? Organic strawberries are about half the size of those monster strawberries (or LESS!). American produce: bigger, better, faster. hhhmmm.....that's really starting to gross me out lately. Look at just about any organic piece of produce vs. the other stuff....the other stuff is usually significantly ask yourself this (as I think about the obesity and disease problem we have in the states) Do we really believe that old saying: "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"?.....

So, anyway, my breakfast was yummy and not nearly as scary as it could be. ;) I don't know how that turned into such a rant! Onto more randomness....

I miss my little nieces and nephews! You met them in an earlier POST but here are a few recent pics of some of the growing kiddies

Little Sarai who now walks...and, apparently, plays Wii!

Torren...who has gone through puberty ;)

...& The twins, who turned 3 and partied it up Toy Story style!

Life is flying! I have a million pics of my lil ones I'd love to post- but I think I'd better hop off here and start living my day out (outside the screen). You go and do the same! :)

Have a WoNdErFuL WeDnEsDaY!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

merry go 'round....and 'round

I'm sure you've heard or read these verses from Ecclesiastes before:

 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace." Eccl. 3:1-8
Sometimes life can feel like a merry go round. It doesn't really take much effort to get caught in a rut or sink into a spot (even if it's one we don't want to be in ) and stay there...whether we are comfortable there or not. BUT when we read that verse in Ecclesiastes it's very clear that God works our lives in seasons, not perpetual....ANYTHING. (though, I've learned that we tend to go through the same tests or seasons when we just don't seem to be learning what God is trying to show us. yikes!) ;)
I know that not all of my readers are women and that this applies to both sexes but can I just say that as a woman- it can be SO easy to get into a new season...a DIFFERENT season and suddenly become caught up. I know that for me I've been in a major rut: Bobby and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary by moving to a whole new state- where we know hardly anyone, starting new jobs, making less money, taking a new ministry position, leaving all of our friends, going through some MAJOR body changes because- oh yeah- we're pregnant and getting ready for a totally new guy to turn our world upside down. It's ALOT! 

                  ...especially when I list it all out like that

BUT Hebrews 12 says "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, ...Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
It's telling us to LET GO of the things that are hindering us and what so EASILY entangles us. (takes us captive) See, I could...and, honestly, WAS letting myself get caught up in the whirlwind of all of these new things and tasks and instead of looking at it as an adventure or a new season it was starting to look like....a mess! So, I found myself at a crossroads. I can either get all wrapped up in all of it and be stuck in a merry go round OR I can step back to take a look at things and begin to DE-CLUTTER. 

What are you giving your attention/time to? It's easy to put your time with the Lord on the back burner, (NEVER a good idea) to put your YOU time on the back burner, to put your spouse or kids or family etc. on the back burner, your home on the back burner, or a whole pile of etc's on the back burner because you've got so much on your plate! 
IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE TIME TO PRIORITIZE AND DE-CLUTTER YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT! I know I'm getting preachy but you can stop reading if it's not for you ;)
We need to realize that the truth of WHATEVER merry go round you might be on- is that God gives us the GRACE for EVERY season! 
Instead of being frustrated that I'm pregnant and therefore always sick or exhausted (so it would seem) I can get excited about this amazing gift that's on his way! I can REJOICE when I think about the new season coming! It may be a totally different ball game- being a mom and committing more time to family and home when I may be more inclined to spend all of my time at the church working on a project or with a student or any of the things that I have always found so fulfilling BUT God reminds me that there is NO season in my life where He can't use me for His glory. In fact, it’s when we realize the beauty and power of being comfortable in the season that we are in, that we become the most effective in our walk with Him. I may be in a seemingly crazy season of life. I may not have any clothes that fit me in my 6 month pregnant body, I may be exhausted, and having to work really hard at trying to be quiet and listen for direction from the Lord on how to make these transitions.... but what if it is in THIS season that God has His biggest plans set out for me!
Don't forget that He uses it ALL for His glory. ...Just a friendly reminder from your crazy blogger friend. I hope that whatever season you are in: you'll learn to listen for His voice and that you too will see it's ALL part of a beautiful Master plan....

Hope you're having a TeRrIfIc TuEsDaY!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well, it's been a while- so, we're all settled in now.  The good news is- we finally have internet again!!! :)
In the meantime, quickie update...

Sister # 6 is officially married off!

Sister #5 had her sweet baby girl!

As for me: My belly is growing FAST!

I can't wait for the little man to come out! Oh, and funny story...kinda: 
I've taken a (very) part time job at the YMCA here- since I, basically, have nothing to do before the baby  comes. Anyway, I was at my first day of training the other day- doing paperwork with my supervisor, when all of the sudden I start sweating...not glistening, SWEATING... PROFUSELY. Now, I really don't want this lady to think that I'm a weakling who can't work just because I'm pregnant. So, I casually try to wipe my face and act like everything is cool as she reads over the material. After a few moments I'm literally dripping with sweat (gross) and my vision starts going. I calmly touch her arm and tell he I need to use the restroom. (thinking I can get to the bathroom and cool down- like nothing ever happened) MY ears start ringing. She looks at me (apparently, I'm ghostly white at this point) and says "let me get you a cold rag!" I sit silently because I literally feel like I'll pass out if I move. (seriously)
Long story short- she brings cold compresses and starts putting them all over me and after a few minutes: things go back to normal.  Then, about twenty minutes later it starts again. I'm super embarrassed as I try to convince her that I'm not a fainty pregnant lady! I end up going to my doctor's office to make sure everything is ok and while they're running all kinds of tests, the nurse asks me if I've been taking my pills. "My vitamins?" I reply. "No, your pill- for your anemia." " I anemic?" "We called in your prescription months ago...?" (I look at her like she's crazy) She starts flipping back in my chart and looks stunned. "I'm so sorry- somehow we forgot to tell are severely anemic. We should've called it in months need to be on them."
So, it turns out I'm anemic...which is why I almost passed out AND why I've been SO tired!
Craziness. (especially because I have a really good doctor! lol)
Anyway, that's my story for today. 

I hope all is well in your world.... :)