Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunless in Florida

BEAUTIFUL day in Florida
...but I'm inside working? (well, technically I'm taking a break) I need to be out there in the SUN working on my tone! Don't you agree?! :)
Since my wedding (actually since 3 months BEFORE my wedding) life has seemed pretty hectic. I haven't been going to the gym like I used to, it seems like everything has been messier... like my house, my car and my workspace...
...just be glad I didn't show you the inside of my car! (YIKES!) Even the stuff I've been eating....
No I'm not a whole foods person...I wish I was- but that's not an option on a newlywed budget. Ok, I'm getting sidetracked thinking about how much I want to go to WHOLE FOODS  
let me refocus:
I've been doing some evaluation and I've decided that I'm starting a life revamp! YES- it's true- I know I can do it! We are calling it (name inspiration from a friend) Operation "bringing sexy back!" Yes- I'm being serious. She and her husband did their's for fitness purposes. I'm going to be going for fitness, house and car de-cluttering AND better scheduling... Seems like a lot, right? Well- I'm going for it- no more putting it off- my detox starts on Thursday! (I wish I knew of one that someone KNEW was really great but I just picked one that sounded good?)
In the mean time it's time for me to get back to work- got afternoon calls to make...

...and not lay out in the sun. Oh well- just THANKFUL that I have a job that gives me the flexibility to work from home AND if I start scheduling better maybe the sun and I can become friends again! Hope you're having a great day and I hope YOU get a little time in the sun too!

Monday, March 29, 2010

5 minute break

Oh Monday...I really thought I was going to be ready for you.
We had a leadership trip with our students this past Friday which involved staying up all night...no big deal, right? (other than giving up my beautiful Saturday for sleep)
Then last night ended up at ANOTHER all night event with our girls. It looked a little like this

...and this...

Who doesn't love photo booth?! Yes that is war paint on their faces...our night involved an all out war with the guys at the boys sleepover...including water balloons, shaving cream, toilet paper, roman candles and police cars....long story. These pictures look a little crazy but these girls are AMAZING! (I'm so honored that I get to serve them!)
-Back to my 5 minute break (now that my time is almost up) It's a given that with all that action I didn't get ANY sleep last night and when I logged in to work today (I work online and I LOVE it!) there were a million unexpected things that came up and I'm feeling a little...is it hot in here?
BUT thank God for my WONDERFUL husband
who is currently on his way to bring me caffeine reinforcements!  So, with a frapp in hand and THIS to keep me peppy- it's time to get back to work!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello Blog World!

So, I must confess I've been a blog stalker for a while now. My sister got me into it when I was wedding planning and she showed me all the beautiful blogs there were to look at for ideas.....instant addict. 
So, now that I've been READING blogs for more than a year I've decided to start mine. I just got married in December...

and had a million things going on and a million excuses not to give myself the time to start BUT more than 3 months later I've realized...married life isn't going to slow down! (but I'm loving it!) 

So, here are my vows:
1. I promise not to write alot of lengthy entries (too long to survive!)
2. I promise I will be random :)
3. I promise not to try and be really "deep" (deeper than I am)
4. I promise that i probably won't write every day...haha. Hey! I gotta be honest! (that's why it says any or every day in the life!) 

This isn't about anything in particular- not just newlywed life, ministry or my latest hang up.
Just LIFE! So, if for no other reason than my own desire to be able to look back on what's happened in my life- HERE GOES NOTHING! 

Jer. 29:11-13