Saturday, November 20, 2010

A little humor- while I'm at it.... in case what you needed was a smile today:
I thought I'd include a little bit from another blog I love- which made me smile this morning.
Now, let me first say I'm only in my first trimester BUT I'm definitely feeling the effects of constantly being tired and queezy!
the following is a list of questions she reccomends you ask your local pregnant ladies. (instead of random or silly questions like "can I touch your belly?" or "is that the size your belly is supposed to be?")
I pretty much LOVED her suggested questions:

  1. When would you like to take a nap?
  2. When can I come over and clean your bathroom?
  3. What can I make you for dinner?
  4. When can I come play with your toddler, so that you can rest or run errands or shower or sleep? (which doesn't apply to me but I still approve)
  5. Can I wash your dishes?
  6. Can I scrub your fridge or discover where that putrid smell is coming from in your kitchen?
  7. Can I bring you some tiramisu?
  8. What kind of cookies does your husband like?
  9. What kind of latte can I pick up for you?
  10. How often would you like a massage?
Those are good questions, very good ones.  They are magical, life-altering, beautiful questions that would make anyone’s day.

I must say I agree! :) Just thought I'd share that little bit of good advice with the rest of the world. 

Another piece of advice..... SMILE! :)
(Often) :)

ugly (caution: do not read unless you are ready for some self reflection)

Well, let's get right to it....
The other day I was online and (for the safety of others I will keep it vague)- someone made the comment that (basically) said people who bring babies into the world should be around 40 and have basically dominated the business world, and are now retiring with atleast a million dollars in the bank- and anybody who has a baby before that is irresponsible.
Crazy. I know. (and really ignorant - in my opinion)
Now, I'm sure anyone would say that it's my new "momma bear" status that had me feeling particularly flustered by such a ridiculous comment. (especially from someone who is single and from a small family- and has no concept about anything like marriage, family or babies...can you tell I'm still a little annoyed?) :0P
BUT- I was somewhat disturbed by my sudden anger when I read the comment. Suddenly, I was imagining myself smacking this person....telling them off...or giving them a speech about how ignorant their statement was. I was angry. It was ugly. And I thought to myself "where is all of this coming from?"
Now, I know many would come to my defense and say "Absolutely!" "that's ridiculous!" or "you SHOULD tell them off!" (after all, it is a crazy thing to say, right?) Still, I don't think that's really true. I didn't like the rage I felt.
....Could it be? "Is there some ugliness hiding out somewhere inside me?"

After all, Jesus did teach us to "turn the other cheek". "blessed are the peacemakers"....
In Galatians we learn that the fruit if the spirit (in other words, what our life produces when we do it right) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. 

None of those seem to say "teach him a thing or two!" "yeah- you have every right to get angry" fact they say "where is that coming from?" and invite me to take a self inventory. Is my life truly reflecting what the Bible says it should? (a question we should ask ourselves daily) An invite to be real and to surrender myself, my will, my the one who knows best. And letting Him teach me (as He lovingly does) how to be all that I'm created to be. (junk free) :)

So, let me encourage you as I have been encouraged: Live a life that produces good fruit today....and if you need help getting rid of something. Just ask Him. 

Hope you're all having a HAPPY SATURDAY!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

unbelievable're not going to believe this...

1. I've gone without internet in our house this entire time. (hence my mysterious disappearance)

2. I'm sitting in starbucks again and the SAME lady just came in (dressed...a little more age appropriate) and sat down next me with a new giant book. (are we dating?) no tears this time. (must be a better book)
(should I talk to her?...again I feel like I don't know the etiquette here.) :0P

3. I have some news (an update to a previous POST)

yep- it's true. There's a little baby bobcat on it's way!

Bobby and I were getting ready for a weekend in TN and took a trip to walmart around midnight- I decided it was time for a test- after a few week of weird symptoms. (like "food poisoning?", 4 hour naps, etc.)

I thought my eyes were going to come out of my head! Not that I was worried- more excited- I just wasn't expecting it to actually say positive! ;)

Anyway, so there is much transition going on in the Sasser house right now. I think it's the theme of the year for us?

Oh and

4. The last of the Montanez girls is engaged! :)


5. One of my sisters entered us in a Regis and Kelly best friends contest...

and apparently we are finalists! So, we're trying not to get our hopes up but if we win they fly us to vegas for some awesome spa stuff. (woohoo!!!!!!)

So that's pretty much it for today...can you believe thanksgiving is next week?! Time is flying! Hope you're spending time doing what you love and with people you love! See ya soon! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I make no promises....

I'm on! Oh- moving is so crazy. The dust has settled- but there are still boxes lining the wall in the kitchen and still no wi-fi for blogging.
I'm currently sitting in Starbucks down the street from my house (have I mentioned I LOVE where we live now?) in a cushy to another cushy chair where a middle aged woman (who is dressed like she's twenty) is reading a very large book and weeping. I don't know what the book is and am not sure what the proper etiquette is in this situation?
ANYWAY, though I've missed blogs- I've actually enjoyed living wireless. No facebook, no web surfing, no obsessing over my phone (I still have my phone- I've just resolved myself to not carry it every waking moment of the day)- I used to think that sounded terrible but it's been SO nice. Kinda freeing, really. So much more time for other stuff...makes me feel like my brain can work without a screen in front of it all the time.
So....time for another round of quickie catchup!
1. I've started my new (old) job. Where I used to work- at a chiropractic office....which is really awesome for someone who has back problems. (free chiropractic care!)
2. I turned 27 and realized that  I forgot all about my LIST (add it to failblog) ;)
3. My sister turned 28 yesterday....wish I could've been there!
4. We went to St. augustine for my birthday was GREAT! (as always)
5. Bobby got me a beach cruiser for my birthday!
I LOVE it- and because where we live is a sweet little community by the beach- I now ride it EVERYWHERE. Even to the grocery store to pick up a couple things. (I should probably get a basket)
6. I did NOT get a new camera....and that's ok. (I'm really just explaining that the bike pic looks bobo because it's from my iphone) ;)
7. brain doesn't seem to be working.

So, I think I'll hop off for now and go be responsible....
To Do List
1. sink full of dishes
2. groceries
3. get some more cardio in
4. vaccum car
5. clean disaster in living room...and rest of house (for that matter)
6. pay bills and work on budget
7. Order new Marykay catalogs
8. groom! haha (I'm not kidding...I look rough!) 
9. start planning our upcoming trip to Tennessee!!!

Just wanted to say hi! I hope you're doing well, rest of the world!

I'll see you again soon....hopefully! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Am I getting old?

Last night for "family time (which is what we call our get together and hangout night) for our student interns, something possessed me to say yes to having an all-nighter at the church. It wouldn't be something to say no to if I weren't going to have to do it alone or if I didn't have a work appointment to be at at 9AM....which I ended up sleeping through! ((sigh))
Anyway, our night consisted of swim time at the pool, walmart pit stops, many hours of sardines in a dark church, dodgeball, movie, crash:

So, all in all- a good time. But I'm TIRED and behind on my to-do list...but what else is new?


So glad that Tresemme came out with their own dry shampoo! (because other brands can be REALLY pricey!) I must warn you, the dry shampoo spray must be used sparingly on dark hair- unless you want to look like you're pre-maturely graying. BUT it works GREAT! AND the "refreshing mist" is good for freshening up- especially if you have a blow-dryer handy. My sisters (unlike me) all have really thick hair and can skip a day (a a few days-for some) between washing their hair. Not this girl- I HAVE TO make sure I wash my hair everyday- it's too fine not to! BUT this helps me give my hair a break AND is super-handy in a last minute pinch! 
Just thought you'd like to know! ;)

HaPpY FrIdAy!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Flood of 2010

*Pardon the pics in this post they are all from my iphone (again)..Charlene if you're reading this- I want the same camera as you! :)
So, you know how it all started. A weird bit of water seeping in from the walls? ....oh boy. I kinda threw it all out there the other day. (alot of facts in such a short post, right?) ;) 

It started out with some water here and there- in different rooms.... 


And turned into a closet with several inches of standing water which spread across our entire bedroom floor, our living room, bathroom and bedroom closet.....everything. Wet.
At around 1:30AM......


...we had to get in there and suck up all the standing water. It was already doing damage to a bunch of our stuff...not good.

Anyway, Like I said, much debating later and we were released. As of this morning we are moving to a little duplex in Gulf Breeze Proper- which isn't too far from where we were. It's not very big at all, but it's big enough for the two of us and having a back yard again will definitely be a plus! We got a GREAT deal because a friend of a friend literally just moved out and the man that owns it handles the renting himself so we got to sneak in and grab it before he head a chance to put up a sign!

Speaking of that friend her name is Lynne. She is a domestic Goddess who breeds domestic Goddesses. I'm pretty sure there isn't anything she can't cook, make or build. While I was with her yesterday she was knitting and I don't know what possessed me to try it. But...I wasn't any good. She had mercy on me and gave me something else to try. A potholder. Sounds easy, right? It's just a grid that you weave bands in and out of....she forgot that they get EXTREMELY tight and forgot to warn me not to pick fat bands (the make it more difficult) and so I picked the fattest. About 3 hours later (which is about 2 1/2 hours more than I intended)- I had the ugliest- but most sturdy pot holder I'd ever seen...
(Yup...all by myself. And I WILL use that thing!)

Also, I spent a little time teasing myself with homemade cappuccino. I'm not a coffee drinker- I'm pretty leery of it because I think it stains your teeth AND I'm afraid of becoming an addict. BUT every once in a while I start to think I could really get into it. If I'm really honest, I'm convinced it could be a really great, warm, soothing morning routine...

I don't know...I may just let myself get into it. (that's what whitening strips are for, huh? With Bobby being a bit of an addict himself, I guess we always have to have coffee when we travel- either way, right?

*Sidenote: I started this post yesterday and didn't get a chance to finish it. Pretty sure thats a sign to wrap things up! ;)

Happy Almost FRIDAY!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010


The "leak" from yesterdays post turned out to be a FLOOD. Yes really....a flood.
Bags and bags of wet clothes, pillows, blankets, towels....and whatever else was in it's path.
The short version of the story is that after many phone calls and lots of legal research- we've been released from our lease and will be moving out in 30 days. (wow, right?)
The long version?...I'll save for later. It's been a long day! ;)

I kind of jipped Sienna and Mia in the photos yesterday because they didn't get their "alter ego" shots- so here are my new pics for them:

So, not much else to report today. Ready to call it a night. Sweet dreams, bloggers...... :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Warning: longer than at your own risk!

Ok- I know I've been terrible- but there's been ALOT going on! :) And to my credit- I was waiting on some pictures from the family reunion to post- but  suppose that will have to wait since I still don't have them.....

ANYWAY, a little summary to get you caught up: (please pardon the graininess of these pictures- this post is via my iphone camera)

As I'm typing this water is leaking into our living room....and bedroom...and bathroom. Yes, I'm serious. On Friday I stepped into the master bathroom and felt water when I stepped onto the mat in front of the toilet....

...I realize thats quite a bit of water but we've had SO many (maintenance) problems at our place that I just dried it up with a towel and said a silent prayer that it would be nothing.  Maybe I could dismiss it as Bobby having some kind of accident after having drank entirely too much water? (Ya never know. I've been amazed at the things I've learned about men since being married.) Then, before bed last night Bobby noticed that a pair of his pants (which he left on the floor in the bedroom) were wet....hmmmm.... We both ask each other if one of us spilled something. (and each assume the other person must've spilled something and just didn't realize it?) So, jump forward to this morning: Bobby gets out of bed...and steps into a puddle of water. WHAT? yes. It's taking over.....Apparently there is water seeping in from the walls? It's taken over and is still seeping out from our master bathroom and master closet- into our bedroom- soaking eveything in it's path and my latest discovery is that on the opposite side of the wall: it is now seeping into the living room....
Dear Lord, please save us from this mess! 
Dear Exit Realty, we don't like you... AT ALL!

Anyway, enough about the water. What else, you ask? 

1. Babies

One (or apparently several) of our  student interns came up with a theory 
this week....
After I was sick last Thursday and Bobby had  to go in  and run the intern hours for me: I also  became sick around 2:30 in the morning  Monday. (AKA cramps) I text all of the students letting them know that we  would have to cancel on Monday and that I would talk to them about it later. (in my mind I meant: 
give them an explanation/apology)
I came in on Wednesday morning and there was an unexpected sense of excitement as things played out like this:
((interns sitting lined up against the wall. I'm standing in front of them to summarize what we're doing that day)
Abi: So, are you going to give your announcement?!
ME: ((awkward pause)) Well...? It's not really an announcement...more like an explanation for why we couldn't meet on Monday..."
Abi: ((big excited smile))"Because you were sick....are you pregnant?!"
ME: ((wide eyes)) "WHAT?! NO!"
Abi: "what?....we thought because you keep getting sick that must mean you were... pregnant?"
Rest of the Interns: "yeah!"
ME: "NO. No, I'm not pregnant. If you must know- I had cramps. I wasn't going to give an announcement- I was just going to explain that I didn't cancel for no good reason."
Group: "oh." 

(I thought this theory was pretty funny and chatter of pregnancy  continued for the rest of the week)

In OTHER news: one of my very best friends (Tonya) DID give birth to this tiny gentleman:


I finally got to hold him last week- since I was out of town for his birth. Which Brings me to my next bit...

2. Family Reunion

I should have plenty of pictures to accompany this part- but I don't have them yet- so keep your eyes our and I'll post them soon. BUT I got to spend a week in St. Augustine for our 1st annual "7 Chick Reunion"! I have 5 sisters and grew up with a single mom. (who, by the way is INCREDIBLE!) So, somewhere along the course of time we were deemed the nickname : The 7 Chicks. 
The reunion was way more than 7 chicks- since all but one of us are married now and I have 9 nieces and nephews on my side of the family- with one on the way! So, there was alot of baby handling going on! 
Allow me to introduce the 9 in no specific order....

They're each their own person and I love that!

Now to wrap things up...

3. Randomness

Bobby and I have been a whole foods kick...for the most part and this week I made my own home-made salsa.... Just by throwing in stuff I thought sounded good! (and it was!)

Also, we had this
(which is a whole other post)

and lastly, for the most random of all: I had some of the student interns over one day for swimming and a movie and one of them decided to take a nap during the movie...guess where we found her....I'll give you some hints....

Yes. The bathtub. I can't figure out if she's really sleeping or not- but yes her thumb is in her mouth and she was in there for a LONG time. 
....gotta love interns. :)

Well, that wraps it up for now. Bobby is sitting next to me- watching intently...and waiting- so that he can grab the computer. So, for now:

HaPpY SuNdAy!!!
(have a great week!)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

be right back

I promise!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The tradition lives on...

Since 2003, one of the 6 sisters (my 5 sisters and I) have been pregnant or have given birth every year. (atleast once per year) Sister #3 had her baby in December and there have been no pregnancy announcements since- so I was getting a little nervous because I knew it was bound to happen soon and I didn't want it to be me- since we would PREFER to wait 2 years if it works out. (haha) SO today- my little sister Caren came to the rescue with her pregnancy announcement!

Thanks Caren for keeping the traditional alive! :)

Just wanted to give you the update! *Can't wait to meet the new arrival!!!

HaPpY FrIdAy!!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

old school

Random day = random picture. Yes this really happened today- even though it looks like it's from the early 90's.... my "sidekick" (the one wearing sunglasses in a room without windows) Katie as she sits in on the interns taking their spiritual gifts test

so great

So, our AC is finally fixed...well "temporarily" according to the repair man:  theres a leak...and he needs to ask the owners about it. (yikes) So, we're waiting for the word on that....and our dishwasher which hasn't worked since we moved in 8 months ago....still broken. BUT I can't complain much- not staying at home while the AC was broken has given me a new found love for our little shoebox (as bobby calls it). Not that I don't LOVE my in-laws (thank God they love close and would let us live with them forever if we wanted to!) but I just love having our own little nest...where we can sit on the couch and eat icecream on the couch in the middle of the afternoon without fear of being judged. (ha!)
Anyway, next week is Branded By Fire and I can't wait! If you've never been- it basically looks like...
this. (hundreds of teenagers seeking God!)

Also, my sister and husband are bringing a group over and I get to keep my sister and sweet little niece for the week!!!! (yay for kissing baby feet) I getting old? ....oh well! :) Well, I'm supposed to be downstairs doing after hours with our kids....AKA dodgeball...I throw like a girl and I can't catch so I snuck up here to do some blog reading....and writing but I suppose I should sneak back down before anyone notices I'm gone ;)  see you soon, blog world....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So, how gross is that food picture on my last post?! ;)
Crazy couple of days....but so are all my days lately, huh? (but GOOD crazy)
This past weekend we took our kids to the RAMP and had a GREAT time....I'll post pics later but it involved a crazy drive, a motel that looked like it belonged in a horror movie, services that were full of God's presence and ended with 100's of people getting baptized "down at the creek"'s was beautiful!

(when I say it was beautiful- I don't mean the water wasn't brownish, murky creek water!) 

I usually keep things pretty light hearted and random on here but let me stop for a second and remind you of one of the greatest facts of life: GOD IS AWESOME. Don't let that slide by because it's so often said...think about what it really means. He is an amazing, beautiful, merciful God: full of grace, He is loving, awe inspiring and a million other things! I'm such a lame writer- I cannot do Him justice but on Saturday as I made my way down into the creek- I experienced the love of THE Father....there are no words....I quietly cried as I told Him how I loved Him and how sorry I was that I hadn't been spending as much time with Him as I knew I should. (which is such a weird statement because it's more than "should"- it's really such a PRIVILEGE to be able to spend time with the actual CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE whenever I want!?) Anyway, it was a great time at the creek Saturday....followed by a long drive home and a lot of thought inspiring conversations. Thank you, Lord, for Your GRACE!

I hope you're having an incredible week :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Do you ever wish you had an unlimited amount of money for grocery shopping?
Sometimes, I want to try to cook something new...even something FANCY- but not only is there the fact the it's unreasonable to spend above a certain amounts on groceries but there is the fear that if I go all out and buy expensive ingredients for something fantastic the meal will flop and that will make it all that much worse!
On the other hand is my desire to go whole foods ONLY. Somehow, I feel like that's impossible for a woman who is married to a real live "meat and potatoes" guy. I mean, I guess I could do completely separate groceries but I don't see that being very reasonable/realistic.
THEN there are the moments (I'm having one right now...but resisting) where I just want to eat whatever junk I can't find....throw down a bunch of carbs and sugar!
Ok....that's disgusting. Can you imagine how cruddy you'd feel after eating that?!

However, we do live right down the street from a Krispy arch enemy...

Even as I'm typing this my mind and stomach are contemplating taking a stroll up the street to make a purchase from my obesity spreading friends. BUT I will resist (right?) because I haven't even been to the gym- atleast if I'd been to the gym I could decide if I felt like it was worth throwing away all that hard work in order to break even with a donut- but for now I don't have room to squeeze in the carb crash.

Enough about that...or else I'll have to get some! I've been eating them so much lately- I now look like THIS

Ok- I'm totally kidding. I haven't bee eating them at all and I used FAT BOOTH to make that picture! haha (It's so disturbing- I had to share!) Don't worry- I'm not on Biggest Loser just yet. ;) Actually, I'll be on my way back down the scale soon- if I can stick with getting back into the gym. (phew) It really does make me not only look better but I always feel SO good once I get into my routine! 

Wow- that was alot of talk about food....I think I'll call it quits now....especially because I actually have alot I'm supposed to be doing!
Well, have a "Terrific Tuesday"!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Product of the day!!!!
In honor of the summer sun (which is currently BURNING us up down in Florida) I bring you my hair's best friend:

It's like sunscreen for your hair!

My hair is naturally dark but in the summer, the sun brings out tones of red....and if I'm not careful...ORANGE....yes, my hair really turns orange. So, I use this spray when I know I'm going to be out in the sun and it keeps me dark and lovely!...and NOT fried! It's a little pricier that products I usually post- BUT it lasts FOREVER and it works! A worthy investment for any of you undercover oranges out there!  Have fun spraying away! :)


...I know I've been terrible! Lately, I have felt alot like Dorothy in the beginning of the wizard of Oz.....ya know the part where the twister comes flying through

Since my last post I have:

*Stepped down from my job (though it was a great job)
*Neglected my blog
*Stayed with our inlaws for an extended period while we fix apartment issues
*Started our summer intern program (which I am co-leading with my husband and the youth pastor)
*Started (slowly but surely) working out again
*Vowed to get our home spotless and transform into a domestic diva (as a part of the deal that Bobby and I made for me to have the summer off: He works the job and I clean the house and make the meals) 

Alot going on around here. I've also gained an awesome assistant for the summer. (KATIE) We're loving our new summer interns

On their first day- the very first thing we did was tie all 30 of them together by their ankles and send them walking 9 yards in the summer heat- to the graveyard up the street to do their first lesson! (oh, initiation)
and they all kept good attitudes the whole time :)

So, far I've been terrible about bringing my camera everyday-so these are all iphone pics...gotta get better at that.

This week, I've got to finish all the arrangements for the speakers at our summer youth conference and be out of town with the interns from Thursday to Saturday. Then we have setup week for conference and then the actual conference! At which time- I'll get to host my sister and lovely niece! 
THEN the next week we are having a 7 chicks reunion! (all 6 sisters, our mom and all the husbands and babies!) I can't wait! (talk about a busy couple weeks!)

Well, I just got a call from the hubs, so it's time for me to go meet him. I get back into the blogging-swing of things :)

I hope you've had a MaRvElOuS MoNdAy!!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I have SO many pictures in my camera that I want to go through and upload! ...but not enough time right now...actually not even enough time to be on here- but I couldn't resist :)
I'm working today and I'm supposed to drive to our church to get a check and drive it to Gulf Breeze to reserve a beach pavillion where will be baptizing hundreds of students at the end of our summer youth conference Branded By Fire and then go back to the church for a meeting about our Summer internship program for our students, which I'll be co-leading with the youth pastor and then go to another meeting- for branded by fire and then go shopping for things we need for the interns because it starts next week, then do more stuff for work and squeeze the gym in somewhere (MUST GO TO GYM!)....gasp...I just got exausted- just typing all that. ;) 
But hey- I guess alot to do is better than doing nothing, right?!...well usually.
So, I must go- but I leave you with this food for thought:

"Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, ruin a wonderful business opportunity"
(so random- it made me laugh) :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back in the saddle again....

I can hear that lil country song in my head when I say that- and it makes me think of Sleepless in Seattle. (random, I know)

So, the last few weeks have been a whirlwind- so I decided to take a break from- well just about everything- but not sharing my randomness is no fun. ;) And I was SHOCKEd to hear from random people (who I had no idea were readers) who wanted to know why I disappeared. (oh, blog love) ;)

ANYWAY, this weekend (due to lack of good car) I missed out on an AWESOME LUAU

I stole this iphone pic from my brother-in-law and while I was adding the words to it- I found a pic that I edited for katie's post and accidentally left out. (and it was my favorite one!)

(classic) :)

Anyway, I'd better get to bed so I can get myself back into a normal sleep schedule, which I'm hoping will help me get back into my old workout schedule....oh- how badly I need it! Jillian Michaels and I are going to become good friends! ;)

Food For Thought (which I tweeted yesterday)...
3 Things
1. Where the Lord leads I will follow
2. What He feeds me I will swallow
3. If you chew something long enough it goes away!

*Eat up what the Lord gives You and TRUST Him to lead you!


Monday, May 31, 2010


I've been getting your messages. (which is shocking) Sorry for cutting off the daily supply of nothing. haha I'm just taking a little break- from everything I can- atleast for a couple days. A little "spring cleaning" if you will? ;)
Anyway, don't give up on me. I'll be back soon!

In the meantime for your viewing/listening/time wasting pleasure- Here are some links to things I love!

JoYcE MeYeR  (coffee for your spirit)

HuLu (TV catchup/time killer)

FoCuS On ThE FaMiLy  (great advice and ideas for all things family)

CrAiGsLiSt (find local deals near you!)

SpArKpEoPlE  (a partner for getting in shape)


Friday, May 28, 2010

It's here!

Oh Friday....I love you.

Just one more day of work before freedom....actually more work- but non weekday work doesn't have official deadlines- which makes it lovely. :)
Still been battling a little bit of this weird dizziness -particularly when I have to be on the computer for long but all in all WAY better than I was.
This week was the kickoff of graduation season. Starting last night and right now I'm 0-1 (graduation win) because I couldn't make it to last night's grad. I was so bummed bc I REALLY wanted to see this one! (*I adore the girl who was movin' on up!)

Outside of that- we have another wedding this weekend and some friends in from out of town for the weekend (non-related to the wedding) I'm SO happy to see them! We also, have an apartment to cleanup and AC to get fixed so that we can move back home. It's been a week since we've been at my in-laws and they're super great but I miss our place...and I bet they miss us being at our place ;)

Alot going on around here lately and alot on my mind that I'm avoiding publicly venting about- so it's hard for me to write. (haha)

What to say? What to say?- Oh I know - I need to confront an issue:

Dear Lost,

You let me down. I know everyone is trying to be positive and say that being "open to interpretation" was a perfect way to end things but I think thats baloney! To be honest, I didn't even watch all 6 seasons so I can't complain too much. I was a die hard season 1 & 2 but then you started adding unnecessary ruanchiness (I guess you couldn't think of how to try and top what you'd previously done) and I gave you up because you no longer seemed to know EXACTLY where your story was going. BUT I tuned back in for the last season because I had to know how you would bring it all back around and you kept promising me (via Lock in that dang commercial) that you would answer all my questions- and I believed you! Everyone can pretend that your "it is what you make of it" ending was a good thing but it was a cop out. The greatest thing about your show when it started was how elaborately detailed and perfectly linked together all of you facts were- and that's why were deserved an elaborately detailed explanation at the end. (let down) anyway, now that I realized I've been ranting for a whole paragraph I will drop the issue...especially because you MIGHT not read my blog. ;) so goodbye Lost...If you had ended better I would've missed you...or atleast respected you.

Mrs. Sasser

Wow. I didn't know I had all that bottled up. (how nerdy!) Well, now that I got it off my chest it's time to hop to it!
Hope you have a great day- just keep in mind it's almost SATURDAY!!!! :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Over the Hump

So, there is ALOT to do today- but I've hated not blogging so I must take a moment to hop on! :)

Quick week wrap up:
*AC broke at our apartment
*Spent a day unloading a friend who is home from college = realizing how bad I need to get back in the gym
*work work work
*Bobby got stomach virus on Wednesday
*I had it and was throwing up by 2AM Thursday night
*Emergency room on Friday
*Migrated to our in-laws from the hospital (because of issue #1)
*Katie moved to town on Monday! ;)
*Had my first good day yesterday
*Things are looking up!

That's the short version of whats been up!
What'd you say? Before I go you want to know my product of the day?

In honor of "sick breath" (that funky breath/taste you get when you're sick) ...or is that just me?


The BEST- keep your breathe fresh ALL DAY- mouthwash ever!

Don't believe me? Try it! I'm telling you- this stuff gets rid of funkiness, dry mouth AND it folds your laundry for you! ....ok maybe not that last part- but wouldn't that be so great?! 
I've tried almost everything out there and this is my fav- it really does keep me close-talker safe all day :)

In other news: we have youth tonight! With Bobby and I being so sick we've felt like we are on another planet totally disconnected from what the rest of the world is doing. So, it'll be SO good to see other humans!
Well, gotta run for now but I hope you're having a 

WoNdErFuL WeDnEsDaY!!! 

Monday, May 24, 2010

As Promised :)

**Disclaimer: I'm sorry I have disappeared I've been super ill and totally out of it- but today is a special day  and here is a special post as promised to a special friend** (all in purple- because it's so Katie)

KATIE (soon to be) Burke

How I wish I had a picture of the day we met on the first day of school 8 years ago...and a picture of your old overalls and butterfly shirt. (haha)
I'm so glad you're finally marrying Aaron! (I'd like to point out that I've been pushing this for 7 years now) So glad you're moving here. So glad you're making my quality of life better. For those of you who don't know Katie- let me briefly tell you about her:

always alot of things that I need more pictures for ;) (I had to steal all these form the internet) She's one of my favorite people to be around and I'm so glad she's going to be back in my world! (*now we just have to convince Rachel to move too) ;)

Anyway, I said all that to say- I love you and I'm glad you're finally here!!!