Friday, May 28, 2010

It's here!

Oh Friday....I love you.

Just one more day of work before freedom....actually more work- but non weekday work doesn't have official deadlines- which makes it lovely. :)
Still been battling a little bit of this weird dizziness -particularly when I have to be on the computer for long but all in all WAY better than I was.
This week was the kickoff of graduation season. Starting last night and right now I'm 0-1 (graduation win) because I couldn't make it to last night's grad. I was so bummed bc I REALLY wanted to see this one! (*I adore the girl who was movin' on up!)

Outside of that- we have another wedding this weekend and some friends in from out of town for the weekend (non-related to the wedding) I'm SO happy to see them! We also, have an apartment to cleanup and AC to get fixed so that we can move back home. It's been a week since we've been at my in-laws and they're super great but I miss our place...and I bet they miss us being at our place ;)

Alot going on around here lately and alot on my mind that I'm avoiding publicly venting about- so it's hard for me to write. (haha)

What to say? What to say?- Oh I know - I need to confront an issue:

Dear Lost,

You let me down. I know everyone is trying to be positive and say that being "open to interpretation" was a perfect way to end things but I think thats baloney! To be honest, I didn't even watch all 6 seasons so I can't complain too much. I was a die hard season 1 & 2 but then you started adding unnecessary ruanchiness (I guess you couldn't think of how to try and top what you'd previously done) and I gave you up because you no longer seemed to know EXACTLY where your story was going. BUT I tuned back in for the last season because I had to know how you would bring it all back around and you kept promising me (via Lock in that dang commercial) that you would answer all my questions- and I believed you! Everyone can pretend that your "it is what you make of it" ending was a good thing but it was a cop out. The greatest thing about your show when it started was how elaborately detailed and perfectly linked together all of you facts were- and that's why were deserved an elaborately detailed explanation at the end. (let down) anyway, now that I realized I've been ranting for a whole paragraph I will drop the issue...especially because you MIGHT not read my blog. ;) so goodbye Lost...If you had ended better I would've missed you...or atleast respected you.

Mrs. Sasser

Wow. I didn't know I had all that bottled up. (how nerdy!) Well, now that I got it off my chest it's time to hop to it!
Hope you have a great day- just keep in mind it's almost SATURDAY!!!! :)

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